We use the United States Postal Service (USPS) as our only shipping option. Shipping zones only available in the United States.
Shipping rates include & vary on how much the package(s) weighs plus the destination it is to reach. Expect packages between 2-7 days.
You will be given a tracting number. If you have not received your package(s) & it states it was delivered, not only do you need to contact your local post office, but you need to contact us so we can help to our ability.
Free shipping is available in the U.S. for orders $30.99 & over!
Note: If you do not pay your total within 3 days your order(s) will be canceled.
Packages reach the post office between 2-3 business days (weekends & holidays excluded).
Expect an confirmation email when the package(s) has shipped & when the package(s) gets delivered.
Thank you for shopping with us!
Have any questions? Email us: kissglossitafamilycompany@gmail.com